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Meet Miguel

Tailor made integrations by a selfmade man

Tailor made integrations by a selfmade man – Meet Miguel!

Happy almost-anniversary, Miguel! The countdown to cake, candles and celebration is on at i8c NL, as Miguel is nearing his one-year milestone. Before we cut the cake, let’s rewind and relive the last year that has been a part of Miguel’s integration journey with our awesome team.

The i8c NL identity
Miguel is a self-made integration-designer at i8c NL. He builds integrations, which means his daily tasks involve developing them but he’s also thinking about the design of the infrastructure: what is necessary to make this integration as simple and efficient as possible? After working as a developer with a focus on specific software, based on the needs of clients, he wanted to take the next step. He wanted to focus on a more niche subject/technology. I8c NL drew his attention – he already knew some team members and that made the job switch a bit easier, it felt more comfortable. With some familiar faces and an innovation packed environment, Miguel found his home here.


“I made the decision to start my i8c NL adventure because of several reasons. The first reason was that I had already worked with one of the team members. You know what to expect from each other. The second reason has to do with the fact that i8c NL has its own identity. It’s a small company but a very innovative one. I’m sure that we will grow in the future. At that time, I’ll be the one that can proudly say: I was there from the start. I like to work in this environment because we focus on new integration technologies. I have the feeling there’s a lot of openness for new knowledge and technologies. It’s also a very social company, not only towards its employees but also towards our Belgian colleagues. I love that!”


I’m just like your postman
If Miguel were to explain his current job, he’d compare it with the job of a postman. “Think of a postman, but for tech! I make sure the right ‘letters’ (or integrations) get delivered to the right “address”. Every day is different, filled with projects and programming, which, luckily, he’s very good at.

Fun fact: Miguel is a selfmade man! Who needs college when you have passion and determination?

That’s not all! He’s aiming for a level of tech supremacy. A future where he effortlessly tackles every challenge thrown his way. Other than that, he’d also like to learn more about network and security. “Rust seems to be a complicated, yet new, multi-paradigm language I’m very much interested in. It’s becoming bigger and bigger and I see this as my next challenge. In our industry, it’s very important to keep evolving and challenging yourself”, says Miguel.

Experts in integration and API management
When we look into the future, he has one main goal – to make i8c NL the go-to hub for integration solutions. He wants it to be the first name you think of when talking about integration problems. As for himself, he also set some goals. “As i8c NL grows, I’d also like to grow. I’d like to take on the role of a teamlead where there’s a combination of the programming and managing part”
We can’t wait to grow together! But first, let’s take a moment to look back at all great things we’ve already accomplished together. Here’s to Miguel’s one year anniversary, cheers!

Meet Miguel, our self-made integration designer. From developer to innovator, his passion drives him forward and makes him a great asset to our team.
